The second edition of MOOZAK FESTIVAL on September 21st/22nd, 2012 offers a carefully curated profile of contemporary dynamics in the fields of experimental audio-, video- and installation art. This year's focus lies - beside 10 selected audio-visual live concerts - on a bigger exhibition area to present audio- and videoinstallations as well as New Media Art in an appealing way.

At the gateways between media related art beautiful synergies arise and the visitors will be lead to new ways of perception. To help making this special experience complete, we decided once again to choose Media Opera (Rinderhalle Neu Marx), a recently renovated old cattle hall in the heart of vienna, as our unique venue.

entrance: 7pm (CET)
start live concerts: 8pm (CET)
djs from 1am (CET)

one day ticket: 15 € (at the door) / 13€ (presale)
festival pass: 25€ (at the door) / 23€ (presale)

presale worldwide
via ntry

presale austria
via Jugendinfo Wien (Babenbergerstraße 1/Ecke Burgring, 1010 Wien):
day 1 / day 2 / festival pass

facebook event MOOZAK FESTIVAL / 21.09.2012
facebook event MOOZAK FESTIVAL / 22.09.2012

live audio stream (128 kbps MP3, 8pm-4am):
Campusradio St. Pölten 94.4 Livestream